Home Authors Posts by FlyEurope



BluLink tutorial

BluLink enables you to use your Bluetooth cell phone and any music source wirelessly in the cockpit. You can use your existing general aviation, helicopter...

Scanner Polmar RX-5

A presentation of the scanner receiver cheaper on the market, but with good performance, the RX5.

Oblò Flybox the most compact EFIS

The Oblò accurately represent the aircraft attitude thanks to the integrated AHRS inertial platform, equipped with solid-state micromachined sensors (gyros, accelerometers and magnetometers) and...

StarCom AVIO1 – Intercom

We present a very useful device for communicating the pilot and the passenger during the flight.


Introducing the new aviation headset passive HME 110 produced by Sennheiser, distributed by STAR COMPANY. Very light, well-damped very comfortable, thanks to the bearings...

ICOM IC-A 6E – Portable transmitter in the aeronautical band.

The IC-A6E shows a new design and a large LCD display and a generously sized speaker can reproduce the low frequency signal. Easy to...

Spot Tutorial Instruments

The spot of the program Tutorial Instruments, video-interactive courses on the use and operation of aeronautical instrumentation.


Introducing the revolutionary new Efis ULTRA, produced by AvMap and distributed by Star Company.

Garmin D2 Watch Pilot

Star Company presents the innovative clock with integrated GPS Garmin D2.A backup device very useful and essential for the safety of the flight.Equip you...

Strobo-led Whelen Microburst II

We present the new strobe LED manufactured by Whelen and purchased by STAR COMPANY.Compact, lightweight and very powerful, include navigation lights Red and Green...