Tag: boeing
Un drone rifornisce in volo un velivolo: è la prima volta....
Di Fabrizio S. Bovi - Per la prima volta nella storia dell’aviazione un drone ha rifornito in volo un velivolo con equipaggio a bordo....
Ancora problemi per il Boeing 737 Max
Boeing ha annunciato che alcuni dei suoi aerei 737, compresi molti dei 737 Max già bloccati dopo i due incidenti in Indonesia ed Etiopia, possono avere alcune parti difettose sulle ali
No Boeing 737 MAX for the summer
The main civil aviation regulators have met on May 23, 2019, to discuss the future of the Boeing 737 MAX. However, no time has...
Electric Aviation – Aerospace manufactures set new prototypes in place
credits: Airbus helicopters
Since the dawn of aviation, planes have primarily been powered by carbon-based fuels such as gasoline or kerosene but with oil resources...
Boeing Acquires ForeFlight
(source Boeing) - CHICAGO, March 6, 2019/PRNewswire/ -- Boeing completed the acquisition of ForeFlight, a leading provider of innovative mobile and web-based aviation applications.
Boeing Autonomous Passenger Air Vehicle Completes First Flight
Jan 23, 2019 (by Boeing) - NeXt program tests prototype to advance safety and technology of urban air mobility
Electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle...