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FlyCommSystem- IMC is the most effective system for communication in the aviation sector.
It uses different channels and marketing and communication tools in combination, so that each channel helps the other.
The information (videos, texts, photos) is distributed on sites, social media, online media, using simultaneously advertising, promotion, promotional opportunities, the participation in events and trade shows, the organization of corporate events such as product testing, services or visits to the company, activities of brand reputation and brand awareness, mail marketing and direct marketing, sponsorship, public relations, development activities and SEO updates.
Since the world of communication creates new tools every day, updates or modifies technologies, invents new channels, IMC is constantly evolving.
Our daily mission is to anticipate these evolutions to always keep up with the needs of our customers.
Video company profiles & storytelling
Flight tests
Video tutorials
Promo videos
Video documentaries and documentary films
Event spots and videos
Brand journalism, corporate journalism, corporate media, specialized web-tv. More and more companies are creating “journalistic” content to engaget their audience and us make this for you. Brand Journalism is an editorial activity to tell the public about one’s own information and that of the sector in which the company operates, using the rules and tools of journalism, videos, articles/posts and photos. Today a company can potentially become a publisher, an influencer or an opinion leader, skipping the traditional media and directly influencing its own “audience” in the field where it operates.
Presence, support and media enhancement on trade shows, events and air-shows, companies, organizations.
Some frames of interviews to events.
Creation and optimization of sites and social, SEO, SEM & SEA activities
Social media marketing campaigns, community building, lead generation
Brand reputation, brand awareness, digital reputation of individuals
Realization of contents in all required languages and
Geo-localized diffusion of promotion and information
Mailing marketing (flight schools, air clubs, airports and airfields, aviation industry, aviation service companies, pilots)
Sending information and releases to the online trade press
Sending information and press releases to thematic social pages
Publication and sponsorship of content on our FlyEurope.TVplatform
Support to events, trade shows, other public opportunities
Development of communication and marketing towards other continents